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What is Iridology?

Dr. Mikyung Kim, ND, PhD, international iridologist.

If you are just about to buy a new electronic device, or have just bought it, what do you do first? Most people will probably first read through the user manual and figure out what features they have and how they can be used. The instruction manual also includes what we should do in order to use the device for a long time and what we should not do to make sure it lasts for a long time without breakdown.

What if your body had an instruction manual? Have you ever wondered why you gain weight so easily, even though you eat foods similar to your friends'? Are you ever frustrated that you easily become anxious even though you have practiced meditation for a while? Have you been confused by so much health-related information about your chronic symptoms and what the right information would be for you? Have you tried many healthy diets or popular supplements for your condition, but none of them helped you as you expected? If you have ever had one of these questions, iridology might be one of the answers. As you know, the iris is very unique, and it contains so much information - enough to uniquely identify yourself. Iridology is the study of the relationship between the signs of the iris and the body. The iris has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body through the nervous system. Thus, iris color, texture, pigmentation, and the pupils have meanings for your body. It has been said, "the eyes are the window of the soul.”

What can we know via iridology?

1. We can see from the iris which part of our body needs more of our attention. The iris map was developed more than 200 years ago. Camera technology has accelerated this development. You have noticed this through iris identification, which has replaced fingerprint identification for security.

2. Through the iris structure, we can see our body's resilience.

Iris density represents structural integrity and level of resistance to illnesses. So, very resilient type would recover faster than moderately resilient type. However, it does not mean good or bad. I very often see patients with very resilient type fall into chronic fatigue because they were able to push themselves so hard for work. Even if a patient is moderately resilient type, the patient can live healthily with good nutrition and enough rest.

3. Iris colour also shows which diseases a person would be more susceptible to. People with blue eyes are called “lymphatic type”. They are more likely to experience inflammatory conditions, kidney stones, and upper respiratory symptoms. People with brown eyes are called “hematogenic type”. They are likely more susceptible to get liver-, digestive-, and blood-related issues. People with mixed colour have both tendencies. They are more susceptible to have blood sugar and digestive issues and mineral imbalance.

4. You can choose natural health products which work best for your condition. For instance, there are so many supplements for chronic fatigue. If you are very resilient type, vitamin B complex and minerals are better options than others. If you are moderate resilience type, adaptogens, such as ginseng or ashwagandha, would be better options to improve energy.

5. Iridology can help people to prevent diseases by identifying root causes. For example, if you have iris patterns like the picture, you are anxiety tetanic type. People with anxiety tetanic type have a highly resilient body and are deeply passionate about their professions, so they usually achieve their goals more than other types. Because they get used to suppressing their stress, they exhibit calm and show rational behaviors externally. However, internally they have anxiety, mood swing, self-doubt, and fear of failure; they are more likely to experience intestine spasm, digestive disturbance when they are nervous, or peptic ulcer in severe cases. However, because they tend to suppress the stress, they do not even know the stomach pain was caused by stress. Once they are aware of their inner feeling, they can support their body better instead of just taking antacids for the stomach pain.

6. We can also know our gut health and if we have leaky-gut syndrome through iridology.

Recently, the leaky-gut syndrome has been regarded as one of the top causes for many chronic diseases, such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, brain fog, chronic migraine, and allergic reactions. However, there is no scientific method that clarifies leaky-gut syndrome. We just assume we might have it when we have gas, bloating and cramps with another unexplainable chronic issue, such as chronic pain, chronic skin disease, chronic fatigue, and so on. Leaky-gut syndrome is said to be caused by increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyper-permeability. A possible mechanism of the leaky-gut syndrome is undigested food particles pass through the loose gut junction to the blood stream directly, and the particles finally could cause delayed allergic reactions. In the picture, the radial furrows that are extended from the pupil outward represent the signs of weak gut permeability in iridology. Once we figure out this tendency, a food sensitivity test is beneficial to identify which foods you are allergic to.

7. There is more information about the body we can see from the eyes, such as family history, diabetes, osteoporosis, general characteristics, mineral deficiency, and so on.

What we cannot know via iridology?

We cannot know blood type, current infection, gender, any specific current diseases, and current medication taken via iridology. Also, iridology cannot predict when we overcome a disease or when we get it. Iridology cannot replace a medical diagnosis. Any iridology analysis should not replace any recommended lab tests by your doctor. However, if you do not find any abnormal result in your medical report and you are still suffering from a chronic condition, iridology may be the one of beneficial methods for your optimal health.

#Iridology, #leaky gut syndrome, #root cause, #chronic pain, #anxiety, #digestive issue

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