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Women's Health

Hormones have important effects on women's health. Also, Women's bodies can be affected by both life events and hormonal phases.


The environment, stress, food, weight, and personal relationship can all impact a women's hormonal balance and therefore cause many health issues:

irregular periods,  painful periods, PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, severe menopausal symptoms and more.

Tara Healing Roots can help women manage these conditions.


Also, Tara Healing Roots supports menopausal women to begin a new step toward a healthier and happier emotional and physical state.



To support women's health issues,

  • Acupuncture

  • TCM formulas

  • Botanical Medicine

  • Natural health products

  • Diet/Lifestyle modifications

  • Mind-Body techniques 

  • Heavy metal test

  • Stress level test

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